As of the first January 2014, all ICANN accredited registrars must verify the WHOIS contact information for all new domain registrations, domain transfers and registrant contact modifications.
Below is a sample email. They may vary slightly but if you REGISTER, RE-REGISTER, TRANSFER or AMEND a domain name ending in (and other top level domains)
You WILL receive one of these emails.
If the email is genuine and if you were exepecting it (or are now expecting it) you MUST click on the long link to CONFIRM your email address. If you dont; you risk losing the domain.
ANY worries or problems about this process should be referred to Calco UK Ltd immediately.
Email :
Phone : 0845 2579460 OPTION 8
"Please be advised that as of the 1st January 2014 it has now become a mandatory requirement from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Numbers (ICANN) that all ICANN accredited registrars verify the WHOIS contact information for all new domain registrations, domain transfers and registrant contact modifications.
You have received this email as you have recently registered one or more domains from Calco UK Ltd with the following registrant details:
Name: Your Name
Email Address:
Under the changes requested by ICANN you need to verify your registrant email address. Please click on the link below to verify this email address.^gvfGdgHH7glJ%2bzdqkolfxiXZ
You have 15 days from the time of the original registration to verify your email address. If your email address is not verified within these 15 days the domain name(s) will be suspended until the email address is verified.
Once the link above is clicked this email address and the domains listed below will be instantly verified.
Please note this email is not a phishing email and is being sent to you following the change outlined above from the 1st January 2014 by ICANN.
Kind Regards
Calco UK Ltd"
As time goes by, fraudsters WILL target this form of email. The best plan therefore is, assuming you were not expecting one of these emails, to check with Calco UK that we or our subsidiary companies (First Choice Domains etc) have indeed sent you this verification email
Email :
Phone : 0845 2579460 OPTION 8