Calco UK has a domain name which is called which is commonly referred to as
a dot com (and writted as .com) Our web address is
and one of our email addresses is
We also own the name which is referred
to as a dot co dot uk domain.
When you buy a domain name you buy it for TWO years with the
exclusive option to renew when the initial two year period expires.
Calco UK sells domain names on the above basis and in effect
you OWN the domain and the right to use indefinitely so long as
you keep renewing the two year contracts paid in full under our terms and conditions.
Bear in mind that the first domain name you choose might already
belong to someone else, in which case you cannot purchase or own that particular
name. We recommend trying a combination of TWO words describing
your business and location for example a company selling flowers
in Inverness might call themselves
If you would like a domain name, simply call or email and we
can check its availability. We can also give you further options
and alternatives if your domain is unavailable. |